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카로티노이드와 심혈관계질환 연관성 논문 요약 ppt

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'카로티노이드와 심혈관계질환 바이오마커와의 연관성'에 대한 발표 자료입니다.
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1. 서론
2. 연구방법
3. 연구결과
4. 고찰
5. 결과


▪ Increased blood cholesterol, C-reactive protein (CRP), and total homocysteine (tHcy) concentrations associated with increased cardiovascular disease (CVD) risk.

▪ Higher serum concentrations of carotenoids were inversely associated with several CVD risk factors, including CRP, insulin resistance, hyperuricemia, and metabolic syndrome.

First, the associations between dietary carotenoid intake and CVD risk biomarkers.

Seconds, to test whether corresponding serum carotenoid concentrations mediate or moderate the diet–outcome associations, if any association exists.

참고 자료

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