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Reading lesson plan

최초 등록일
최종 저작일
21페이지/ MS 워드
가격 1,500원 할인쿠폰받기


Doughnuts / Scanning


i. Introduction with questions – 2 minutes.
ii. Pre Reading (scanning / game) – 18minutes.
iii. Reading – 5 minutes
iv. Comprehension check – 10minute
v. Post Reading (comprehension check and scanning posts)– 15 minutes


1. Introduction – 2 minutes
 Teacher (T) greets students (Ss).
 Ask the question to Ss and accept some responses.
- Do you like doughnuts?
- How many kinds of doughnuts do you think there are?
- Which ones do you like the best?
2. Pre Reading – 18 minutes
 Give Ss handout#1OHP#1 and ask them how to find the donuts shops.
 Correct Ss’ responses and tell them the way how to find the donuts shops is looking up the list quickly focusing on the addresses.
 Put up the OHP#1, and ask them how we can figure out information what we want from these tips. Tell them it from bold types.
 Give them the explanation of hints for scanning.

 Distribute the packet of dictionary copies. Tell Ss not look at the packet. Divide Ss into two groups.
 Explain and model how to play game: T will show the sentence one by one to Ss (game sheet/OHP#2). Ss will find the number of item or the line of it which has the same meaning with the word at T’s sentence in the packet of dictionary copies.

참고 자료

Be a Better Reader (book4), Nula Banton Smith, Presentice-Hall.
More About the USA(a cultural reader), Milada Broukal, Longman
Reading Power(third edition), Beatrice S. Mikulecky & Linda Jeffries, Longman
http://www.bbc.co.uk/skillswise/words/reading/techniques/scanning/index.shtml http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Doughnut
Oxford Advanced learner Dictionary, Oxford University Press


판매자 유형Bronze개인


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