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Dissertation Proposal, 논문제안서

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“Dissertation Proposal”
(Korean Economy Development in Human Resource Development)

영국 MBA 과정시 논문제안서로 한국의 경제발전 HRM관련 영문 논문제안서 "Dissertation Proposal”
입니다.. Literature Review / Methodology 등등 체계적으로 작성된 영문 논문제안서로 좋은점수로 패스하였습니다.

필요하신분 많은도움되시길..


1.0 Introduction

2.0 Objective of study

3.0 Literature review

4.0 Methodology
4.1 Data collection
4.2 Questionnaire(Draft)

5.0 Plan of work

6.0 Resources

7.0 Bibliography


1.0 Introduction

While at the University on the MBA Course, especially International Business lecture, I have learnt Chinese economy development in gradualism which made them rapid economy growth in their history. In that point, I have become increasingly interested in Korean economy development in HRM which is my own country that so fast growth last 30 years. There are different aspects between China and Korea which they made their own way to achievement.

It has been a puzzle to many economists for long time why Korean economy has grown faster than most of other developing countries. The experience of Korean economic growth has now become a classic example of a successful story of development and industrialization.

It is very often said that the rapid economic growth and industrialization of Korea since the early 1960s is primarily attributable to its people, not only diligent but also well-educated. When Korean economy initiated its modernization and development in the early 1960s, it had almost nothing but human resources as meaningful factors of economic growth and development.

Seoul, the capital of Korea has one of the highest population density in the world. It had significantly limited natural resource. In addition, due to its historical reasons, during the war most of infra including building destroyed. Korea had all of the disadvantages of underdevelopment: a lack of accumulated capital and technology and a scarcity of appropriate institutions and enterprises. The only asset that Korea could rely on for its economic growth and development was its abundant human resources with a relatively high level of education, motivation, trainability, and ability to work together.

People play a dual role in the development process: they are ultimate beneficiaries of development, but they also provide very important input into the process of development. Thus the relationship between human capital and economic growth is mutually reinforcing. Economic growth helps to develop human resources in education, health, and nutrition. But investment in human resources also helps to accelerate economic growth, by increasing labor productivity, encouraging greater investment in physical capital, and reducing dependency burden of the population.

참고 자료

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