• 통큰쿠폰이벤트-통합

[경영]Analysis on Cadillac in Korea

최초 등록일
최종 저작일
23페이지/ MS 워드
가격 4,000원 할인쿠폰받기


마케팅 - 마케팅원론 3C분석 및 캐딜락 STP등의 분석을 통해
마케팅측면에서의 전략 제안


Brief Introduction
Company Analysis
Customer, Competitor, and Cadillac; 3C Analysis
What’s Cadillac’s Target Market; STP
What Customer Wants; Cube Analysis
What’s GM Korea’s Doing; Current Strategy
What to Do; Suggestion


Brief Introduction

A. Cadillac
Cadillac is a brand of General Motors, world’s biggest motor company. The company was founded at the dawn of the twentieth century, 1902, and named after Antoine de la Mothe Cadillac, the founder of Deroit.

After World War II, Cadillac became the symbol of success for the upscale luxury market. Today, Cadillac’s sharp edged cars position the brand for an urban, affluent experience. Especially, it is referred as the dream of America.

General Motors (GM) has steered around competitors to remain the world

We concluded that GM Korea should keep using “buzz,” and do something to advertise its products and overcome prejudices about American vehicle. It is because we do agree that it will be good for Cadillac’s sales to maintain and improve the good stories by making good qualities.

And it is also strongly recommended that GM Korea who sells Cadillac make the former consumers as sales persons with compensations for them. Whenever they recommend Cadillac to other people, recommenders deserve some benefits. The Cadillac may give them present such as cash refund, present coupon and so on.

참고 자료

판매자 유형Bronze개인


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[경영]Analysis on Cadillac in Korea
  • 유니스터디 이벤트
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