• 통큰쿠폰이벤트-통합

Comparison between the Catholic view and the Protestant view of the ancestral practice (Josang-Jesa) of Confucianism in the Korean Context.

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"한국적 상황에서의 유교 조상제사에 대한 천주교(카톨릭)와 개신교(프로테스탄트)의 관점 비교 영어논문, 본인이 영국에서 석사논문으로 제출할 것. 당연히 통과되었음. 완벽한 각주와 참고도서, 및 논문형식. 5만원이 결코 아깝지 않은 논문."에 대한 내용입니다.


1.1 Background to the Study
1.2 Statement of the Problem
1.3 Significance of the study
1.4 Research Methodology
1.5 Scope of the Study
1.6 Chapter Organisation

2.1 Introduction
2.2 Confucius and his Teaching
2.2.1 His Life
2.2.2 Confucius’ teaching.
2.3 Confucianism in Korea
2.3.1 A brief history.
2.3.2 General Teaching of Confucianism in Korea
2.3.3 Traditional Korean Josang-Jesa
2.4 Summary

3.1 Introduction
3.2. Catholicism in Korea
3.3 Protestantism in Korea
3.3 Summary

4.1 Introduction
4.2 Josang-Jesa in Korea
4.3 The Catholic View about Korean Josang-Jesa and its Missional Approach
4.4 The Protestant View about “Josang-Jesa” and its Missional Approach
4.4 Summary

5.1 Introduction
5.2 Differences between the Catholic and the Protestant Views
5.2.1 Literally and Conceptual meanings of Josang-Jesa and Chudo-Yebae
5.2.2 Bowing down to the deceased
5.3 Similarities
5.3.1 The Day of the Ancestor Practices
5.3.2 The Person Responsible for the Rite
5.3.3 Fellowship Meal
5.3.4 The Christian elements
5.3.5 Missional Implications
5.4 A Critical Evaluation of the Similarities and Differences

6.1 Conclusion
6.2 Implications


Historically, the Church, as a social entity, has been in constant interaction with its environment and culture and each has been shaped by the other. This is evident in many Western countries where the Christian principles and practices have permeated their culture and vice versa. For example, in the Western countries some people celebrate the Easter and the Christmas festivities of Christians even though they are not Christians. This cultural influence on the Church, both the Catholic and the Protestant, is not new in the Korean churches. Indeed, Confucianism, the most prevalent culture in the Korean society, has influenced the principles and practices of the Korean churches. It is evident that Confucianism has played a major role in the lives of Koreans, even at an unconscious level. According to Kalton, ‘Korean society undoubtedly possesses the deepest and most vital Confucian tradition’.

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Comparison between the Catholic view and the Protestant view of the ancestral practice (Josang-Jesa) of Confucianism in the Korean Context.
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