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분석화학 실험 CE(Capillary electrophoresis)

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"분석화학 실험 CE(Capillary electrophoresis)"에 대한 내용입니다.


1. Abstract

2. Introduction
(1) Capillary Electrophoresis (CE)
(2) Chiral separation

3. Materials and Methods

4. Results
(1) Electropherogram
(2) Peak information
(3) Velocity of EOF
(4) Electrophoretic mobilities
(5) Binding constants

5. Discussion
(1) Resolution and concentration of α-CD
(2) Binding constants

6. Conclusion

7. Assignment
(1) Chiral separation principle in CE
(2) Alternative chiral selectors


1. Abstract
Capillary electrophoresis (CE) can separates charged molecules by applying certain voltage between a capillary tube. Compared to previous technologies, it is regarded as having better resolution and separation. We have separated a racemic mixture of tryptophan by CE. A chiral selector, a-CD was used to distinguish two different optical isomers. Through these experiments, we tried to understand the principles of CE and chiral separation

2. Introduction
(1) Capillary Electrophoresis (CE)

As the name suggests, CE uses a capillary tube and electric field to separate molecules. Anode and cathode are connected to end of a SiO2 capillary tube through buffer solutions. Inlet and outlet should be always submerged into the buffer including during the separation. Molecules meet the detector as they pass through the tube and UV-Vis detector is used in this case. As it has higher number of theoretical plates..

<중 략>

참고 자료

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분석화학 실험 CE(Capillary electrophoresis)
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