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연세대 전기전자공학부 20-1학기 기초아날로그실험 5주차 예비레포트

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연세대 전기전자공학부 20-1학기 기초아날로그실험 5주차 예비레포트입니다.
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Ⅰ. Chapter 9. Voltage regulator and Power supply
1-3Full-wave rectifier
1-5Low-dropout Regulator (LDO)

2.PSPICE simulation
2-1 Experiment 1
2-2 Experiment 2
2-3 Experiment 3
2-4 Experiment 4

3. References

Ⅱ. Chapter 10. PCB (Eagle CAD)

2.Create Device library
2-1 R, L, C components
2-2 LM555CN
2-3 μA741
2-4 Transformer


In this chapter, the first goal is to understand transformer, diode, and ripple operation. The second goal is to understand switch operation and DC-DC converter. The third goal is to understand LDO operation and dual polarity. Based on these concepts, we will design rectifier circuit, buck-converter, and DC constant voltage circuit using PSPICE simulation.

1. Theory
1-1 Transformer
Transformer is a device that transfers electric energy by property of inductor.
It is used when power disconnecting the primary and secondary sides, i.e. operating two systems with different voltage levels. The AC source is electrically isolated from the secondary circuit. The Transformers prevent noise on the primary side from being transferred to the secondary side. Therefore, noise is blocked and only signals are transmitted to the secondary side.
When current flows in the primary inductor, a magnetic field is generated. And, the generated magnetic field is transferred to the secondary inductor to induce current.

The ratio of each parameter is as follows.

[Figure 1-1] Transformer

The parallel combination of capacitor and inductor inside the transformer are called parallel resonant circuit. The capacitor and inductor are influenced by variations in the frequency of supply voltage. The parallel resonant circuit is used to pass the selected frequency and reject other frequencies.

참고 자료

Electronic devices / conventional current version / Thomas L. Floyd
판매자 유형Bronze개인인증


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