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[대학과제] 동물실험 찬성 영어 에세이

최초 등록일
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7페이지/ MS 워드
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"[대학과제] 동물실험 찬성 영어 에세이"에 대한 내용입니다.


1. Abstract
2. Advance in medicine & vaccine
3. No substitutes for animal testing
4. Animals are now carefully monitored


Abstract : Animal testing is a scientific controversy yet it has more positive aspects than negative aspects. This paper mainly points out three reasons for why animal testing should be carried on. Animal testing provides understanding of living organism. It greatly advances the field of medicine, there is no alternative to substitute animals, and that animals are now carefully reviewed and monitored and the welfare of animals increased significantly.

Estimates show that between 14 and 70 million animals are used in experiments each year (USDA 2011). Despite the fact animal testing is a prevalent event, animal testing is a scientific controversy. It is a scientific controversy because of the fact that it has both benefits and flaws. This paper claims that animal testing has to be carried on for the benefit of human. There are three reasons to support the claim. First, Animal testing provides understanding of living organism and..

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참고 자료

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at the University of British Columbia. Available http://www.animalresearch.ubc.ca/_assets/pdf/ubc_ethical_research_20101130.pdf [cited 22 Februrary 2013]
Understanding animal research, [ ] Polio vaccine. Avaliable from http://www.understandinganimalresearch.org.uk/why/human-health/polio-vaccine/ [cited 4 April 2013]
Understanding animal research. [ ] The revised European Directive 2010/63/EU: a guide for UK institutions. Available from http://www.understandinganimalresearch.org.uk/assets/document/AC13AF98-F59E-E4D3-2FB309CE19DAE72A/EU%20Directive%20-%20A%20UK%20Guide.pdf [cited 22 February 2013]
United States Department of Agriculture. 2011. Annual report animal usage by fiscal year. Available from http://speakingofresearch.files.wordpress.com/2008/03/2010_animals_used_in_research.pdf [accessed 17 March 2013].
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