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호주 간호학과 에세이 예시/남호주 대학교 간호학과 에세이 예시

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가격 2,000원 할인쿠폰받기


남호주 대학교 간호학과 예시.

1. 간호학과 학생으로써 social media 사용의 주의점
2. Mental health osca 예시
3.Population health essay
4. Culture and Concept of health
Primary health care system in Australia
The health gaps between Indigenous and non-Indigenous Australians
1000자 에세이.




There is no doubt that many things had changed in the last few decades and one of the best technological feats is social media. People have communication, interaction and making a relationship with other people through social media. The purpose of this essay is to review and discuss the use of social media based on the concepts of inquiry-based learning (Stripling 2003). Firstly, begin by describing of my social media . Secondly, focus on the difference of using social media between nursing student and health professional, and finally discuss the how to change the understanding of social media.
According to the social media guidelines in the University of South Australia (UniSA 2014), social media defines as sharing the information, interest, pictures, videos and opinion using websites or mobile phone application such as Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter and blogs (Australian Health Practitioner Regulation Agency (AHPRA) 2014; Henderson & Dahnke 2015; Lachman 2013).

참고 자료

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