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[영어 소논문] The Success Factors of The Big Issue Korea

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빅이슈 코리아와 코스모폴리탄을 비교하여
홈리스 지원 잡지인 빅이슈 코리아의 성공원인에 대해 분석햇던 영어 소논문입니다.


1. Introduction

2. Popular culture mixed with social issues
1) Interviews worth reading
2) Media reviews

3. Attempts to change society’s perception
1) Counseling with the vendors
2) Economic and cultural help
3) Vendor-customer interaction

4. Fit to the taste of the target audience
1) Directional elements
2) Artistic elements
3) Articles without an expiration date

5. Conclusion



In 1990, Gordon Roddick saw a homeless man selling Street News at the Grand Central Station in New York. After talking to the guy for a few minutes, he decided to start his own homeless magazine called The Big Issue (Swithinbank, 2001, p. 36). He kept the basic characteristics of homeless magazines such as printing articles focusing on social issues, especially homelessness, and helping the homeless to stand on their own by selling publications to them at a cheap price which the vendors could resell for profit (Boukhari, 1999; “Social,” 2010). As time passed, The Street News, which had motivated The Big Issue, went downhill while The Big Issue succeeded. How could the copycat succeed over the original? The Big Issue has been able to succeed by focusing on popular culture while maintaining the characteristics of homeless magazines, changing society’s perception of the homeless, and focusing on a particular target audience group.

참고 자료

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