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Caribou Coffee Strategic analysis (Coffee Industry Analysis) 커피산업 분석

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33페이지/ MS 워드
가격 3,000원 할인쿠폰받기


미국대학 Strategic Management 수업에서 커피산업에 대해서 분석한 보고서입니다.
Caribou 커피에 집중되어 있으며, 목차에서 보실 수 있듯이 비즈니스 전략과 보완할 점, 라이벌, 등 커피산업과 회사의 전체적인 전략과 방향에 대해서 분석하였습니다.
다른 커피회사를 조사하실 때 참고하셔도 좋을 것 같습니다.
보고서 A받았고, 많은 도움이 되었으면 합니다.
좋은 평가도 부탁드립니다. :)


Table of Contents
Introduction 2
About Caribou 2
Critical Industry Forces 3
Business Strategy 5
Financial Information 7
Financial Growth 9
Caribou as a Company 10
Distinctive Capabilities 14
Eroding Factors of Caribou 15
Possible Changes for the Future 17
Strategic Recommendations 18
Conclusion 21


Having caffeine frenzy? Apparently the rest of the word does, as the highly competitive coffee industry’s top 50 performers generate more than 70% of the overall revenue of around $10 billion. Consumers simply cannot contain their craving for that hot cup of Joe in the morning, and as the competition continues to stiffen, coffee companies need to develop their strategic planning to adapt.
About Caribou Coffee
e operator in the United States. It is right behind Starbucks with 585 locations in 21 states and in 9 international markets. With so many locations world-wide, Caribou is not limiting their brand to just coffeehouses, but is found within grocery stores, mass merchandisers, club stores, office coffee and foodservice providers, hotels, entertainment venues and e-commerce channels. Caribou Coffee is not only well known for their high quality coffee and customer service

<중 략>

implementation of Logility Voyager Solutions, we found our product availability and buyer efficiency both increased and the solution has exceeded our expectations and given the Caribou team more visibility and focus” (Logility, 2012). Since then Caribou has obtained a 99 percent fulfillment rate at its distribution centers and itsf its excess inventory, by focusing and enabling the successful areas. By improving these supply chain issues, Caribou will be able to grow and reach more areas in an efficient way. This example shows how the leaders of Caribou can realize an issue and know when outsourcing is needed. In return, these benefits have increased the value Caribou can bring to its customers by having what they demand available to them.

참고 자료

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