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축사 악취 특성 및 관리 (IV) : 축사 악취 저감 기술 및 적용 사례

최초 등록일
최종 저작일
20페이지/ 어도비 PDF
가격 5,500원 할인쿠폰받기

* 본 문서는 배포용으로 복사 및 편집이 불가합니다.


발행기관 : 한국냄새환경학회 수록지정보 : 실내환경 및 냄새 학회지 / 22권 / 4호
저자명 : 조경숙, 류희욱


1. 서 론
2. 축사의 환기 시스템과 악취 저감장치의처리 용량
2.1 축사 환기 시스템
2.2 축사 환기율과 악취저감장치 처리용량의 설계
3. 물리학적 축사 악취 저감 기술
3.1 마스킹법 및 희석 확산법
3.2 흡착법
4. 화학적 축사 악취 저감 기술
4.1 식물 추출액 살포법
4.2 약액 세정법
4.3 비열플라즈마(Non-thermal plasma)법
4.4 광촉매 산화법(Photocatalysis)
4.5 연소법
5. 생물학적 축사 악취 처리기술
5.1 생물세정법
5.2 생물여과법
5.3 생물살수여과법
6. 복합 축사 악취 처리기술
7. 결 론

영어 초록

This review paper aimed to comprehensively assess the ventilation methods and ventilation rates of livestock sheds, various livestock odor mitigation technologies, and the design flow rate of odor mitigation devices. The most efficient ventilation method for livestock odor control was found to be mechanical ventilation. When livestock odor is at its most severe during summer, ventilation systems are operated at the maximum ventilation rate, which is 5-25 times higher than the ventilation rate in winter. Therefore, the mitigation facilities of livestock odor must be designed while considering the maximum ventilation rate. There is a significant amount of research data on various livestock odor control technologies using various physical, chemical, biological, and complex technologies applied to livestock farms. Biofiltration and photocatalytic oxidation are considered the most promising methods due to their cost-effectiveness and simplicity. Biofiltration is effective for removing hydrophilic odors, but requires improvement for the efficient removal of hydrophobic odors and the control of accumulated excess biomass. The advantages of the photocatalytic oxidation method include its excellent hydrogen sulfide and ammonia removal rates and relatively low ozone emissions. However, it requires technology to reduce nitrous oxide emissions. Investment in installing and operating these odor mitigation technologies is only realistic for large-sized farms. Therefore, it is imperative for small and medium-sized livestock farms to develop odor mitigation technology that is inexpensive and has low installation, operation, and maintenance costs.

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축사 악취 특성 및 관리 (IV) : 축사 악취 저감 기술 및 적용 사례
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