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보호관찰제도의 운영과 과제

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최종 저작일
40페이지/ 어도비 PDF
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* 본 문서는 배포용으로 복사 및 편집이 불가합니다.


발행기관 : 한국교정학회 수록지정보 : 矯正硏究 / 35권
저자명 : 조준현


보호관찰제도의 운영과 과제
Ⅰ. 현행보호관찰제도의 시행연혁
Ⅱ. 통계로 본 보호관찰의 운영실태
Ⅲ. 보호관찰의 구체적 운영
Ⅳ. 보호관찰기법
Ⅴ. 보호관찰의 전망

영어 초록

Traditionally the availability of probation should be an alternative to incarceration, its innovation is more widely spread in the world. The founder of the probation, Boston's John Augustus, was concernd about drunks being put in jail to dry out. He felt they needed help, so he took them into his home as an compassionate act. Since his successful supervision and recommanding reformation of corrections, probation has become the most commonly alternative in America and other countries. The presentence investigation report considered by probation officer and state statutes help guide the court in determining whether an offender is a suitable candidate for probation. Of course to those convicted of murder, sex crimes, other serious assaults and those with a serious criminal record, probation must not be granted. Perhaps probation is most commonly granted to first-time offenders, property offenders, low-risk offenders, non violent offenders and probation involves minimal levels of supervision and restriction. Model probation should purpose to help low-risk offenders maintain law-abiding behaviour, Sometimes some courts emphasize treatment oriented conditions, others more punitive conditions. One common condition for all probationers is to obey the law. Other conditions are, for example, cooperating with a program of supervision, meeting family responsibilities, maintaining steady employment or engaging or refraining from engaging in a specific employment or occupation, pursuing prescribed educational or vocational training, maintaining residence in a prescribed area or in a special facility established for or available to persons on probation, refraining from consorting with certain types of people or frequenting certain types of places etc. To attain successful probation, many officers' caseloads should not be so massive, people who receive standard probation should undergo periodic or random testing for probability of future crime or future delinquent behaviour. Probation is one of the correctional options, whose goal is to control crimes and delinquent behaviour. To achieve this goal depends almost all upon mitigating the heavy caseloads of most probation officers and furthering the ability of probation officers to closely monitor and supervise those probationers.

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