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사이버초급영작수업에서 튜터와 학생들간의 상호인식조사

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"사이버초급영작수업에서 튜터와 학생들간의 상호인식조사"에 대한 내용입니다.

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1.1. Background of the study
1.2. Purpose of the study
1.3. Structure of the study

2.1. Written corrective feedback (CF)
2.1. Issues of written CF
2.2. Computer-mediated communication (CMC)
2.2.1. Advantages of CMC
2.2.2. Disadvantages of CMC
2.3. Online tutor
2.3.1. Tutor feedback in cyber education
2.3.2. The need for English writing tutor
2.3.3. The roles of English writing tutor
2.3.4. Studies on teacher commentary on L2 writing
2.3.5. Student responses
2.3.6. Online interaction and feedback

CHAPTER 3 Design of the study
3.1. Pilot study
3.1.1. Participant’s observation
3.1.2. Learner interview
3.1.3. Research questions
3.2. The main study
3.2.1. Contents of cyber basic English writing Study contents and process
3.2.2. Participants
3.2.3. Study instruments Students’ interaction strategy Free writing assignment Feedback
3.2.4. Research procedure Error counting Students questionnaires Students interviews
3.2.5. Methods of analysis

4.1. Students error types
4.1.1. Students’ error types
4.1.2. Proficient students’ error types
4.1.3 Less-proficient students’ error types
4.2. Students’ perception
4.3. Tutors’ perception
4.4 Discussion

5.1. Summary of findings
5.2. Limitations of the study
5.3. Recommended changes to online writing courses
5.4. Recommendations for further research


The present study aims to investigate the interaction between learners and the tutor as well as tutor feedback in a cyber basic English writing class. This chapter provides an overview of current studies, the purpose of the study and the structure of the study. Section 1.1 introduces the rationale for the thesis. Section 1.2 presents the purpose of the study, and section 1.3 outlines the thesis.

1. 1. Background of the study

Given that the world is becoming an information society, numerous online educational programs have been founded, including cyber universities to meet lifelong education needs. Within the information society, especially, English is not only an important tool as a world language but is also a hot issue as emerging practical English writing gains popularity in Korean society. Several universities and others in the educational sector are experiencing increasing demand for written English.

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