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정상인의 교감신경 피부반응에 관한 전기생리학적 연구

최초 등록일
최종 저작일
6페이지/ 어도비 PDF
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* 본 문서는 배포용으로 복사 및 편집이 불가합니다.


발행기관 : 한국교육원리학회 수록지정보 : 교육원리연구 / 3권 / 1호
저자명 : 김대식, 우종균, 김병원



한국어 초록

Sympathetic skin response (SSR) is defined as a minute change of skin potential after electrical stimulation.This test measures the change in voltage that originates from the surface of the skin and is attributed to sudomotor activity.The aim of this study was to define the criteria for validation of the responses. 40 normal subjects (20-73 yr of age) withnon-sympathetic dysfunction were tested and SSR was generated from all subjects. The SSR latency was 1,331.22±177.51 ms in the right palm, 1,331.74±156.42 ms in the left palm, 1,851.79±220.99 ms in the right sole, and 1,874.10±215.01 ms in the left sole. Also, the SSR amplitude was 595.83±221.16 mV in the right palm, 605.33±226.45 mV in the leftpalm, 291.76±133.36 mV in the right sole, and 288.77±129.70 mV in the left sole. The SSR latency and amplitude had nosignificant difference between the right and left sides. The SSR latency was consistently shorter (p<0.001) and the SSRamplitude was higher (p<0.001) in the feet than in the hands. P-type (32 subjects, 75%) was more than N-type (8 subjects,25%) in the SSR wave forms. The SSR latency and amplitude in palms/soles were closely correlated with age (p<0.05) andheight (p<0.05). The SSR test is one method for assessing impairment of sympathetic fibers in peripheral neuropathy aswell as a disorder of sympathetic system in other diseases and so our results from normal healthy subjects can be usedas clinical criteria for the SSR test.

영어 초록

Sympathetic skin response (SSR) is defined as a minute change of skin potential after electrical stimulation.
This test measures the change in voltage that originates from the surface of the skin and is attributed to sudomotor activity.
The aim of this study was to define the criteria for validation of the responses. 40 normal subjects (20-73 yr of age) with
non-sympathetic dysfunction were tested and SSR was generated from all subjects. The SSR latency was 1,331.22±
177.51 ms in the right palm, 1,331.74±156.42 ms in the left palm, 1,851.79±220.99 ms in the right sole, and 1,874.10±
215.01 ms in the left sole. Also, the SSR amplitude was 595.83±221.16 mV in the right palm, 605.33±226.45 mV in the left
palm, 291.76±133.36 mV in the right sole, and 288.77±129.70 mV in the left sole. The SSR latency and amplitude had no
significant difference between the right and left sides. The SSR latency was consistently shorter (p<0.001) and the SSR
amplitude was higher (p<0.001) in the feet than in the hands. P-type (32 subjects, 75%) was more than N-type (8 subjects,
25%) in the SSR wave forms. The SSR latency and amplitude in palms/soles were closely correlated with age (p<0.05) and
height (p<0.05). The SSR test is one method for assessing impairment of sympathetic fibers in peripheral neuropathy as
well as a disorder of sympathetic system in other diseases and so our results from normal healthy subjects can be used
as clinical criteria for the SSR test.

참고 자료



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정상인의 교감신경 피부반응에 관한 전기생리학적 연구
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