• 통큰쿠폰이벤트-통합

다문화 교육에 대한 보육교사의 인식 및 실태에 관한 연구

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* 본 문서는 배포용으로 복사 및 편집이 불가합니다.


발행기관 : 한국아동보육실천학회 수록지정보 : 아동보육연구 / 4권 / 2호
저자명 : 손정미, 구경선


Ⅰ. 서 론
Ⅱ. 연구방법
Ⅲ. 연구결과 및 해석
Ⅳ. 논의 및 결론

한국어 초록

본 연구는 세계화와 국제결혼의 급속한 증가로 인해 한국사회도 더 이상 단일민족 국가가
아니라 다민족 국가로 전환되고 있는 현실에서 다문화 교육에 관한 어린이집 교사의 인식과
태도를 알아보고, 현재 어린이집에서 실시되고 있는 다문화 교육 환경 구성과 활동의 실시
현황을 교사의 경력, 학력, 다문화 교육에 관한 학습여부, 다문화 아동보육 경험유무에 따라
나누어 그 차이를 알아봄으로써 다문화 교육의 현주소를 파악하여 앞으로 유아를 위한 다문
화 교육의 나아갈 방향과 기초를 제공하는 데 그 목적이 있다.
연구대상은 경기도지역 중 부천시에 위치한 어린이집 보육교사 229명을 대상으로 질문지법
을 통해 조사하였다.
연구결과 보육교사 대부분이 다문화 교육이 필요하다고 인식하고 있었고, 다문화 교육에
관한 바람직한 생각과 태도를 지니고 있었다. 하지만 이에 비해 교육 실제는 충분하지 못함
을 알 수 있었다. 이는 보육교사들에게 다문화 교육에 관한 지식이나 이해가 충분하지 못하
기 때문이다. 따라서 보육교사들에게 다문화 교육에 대한 연수나 워크숍을 통한 교육이 필요
하고, 우리나라 상황에 맞는 다문화 교육 자료의 개발이 시급하다고 할 수 있다.

영어 초록

This research is first to know the nursery teacher's perception and attitude to the
multi-cultural education for children, considering the reality that Korean society is
no more a racially homogeneous nation and is on the point of turning to a
multinational country due to the rapid increase of international marriage.
Secondly, the purpose of this research is to figure out the present real situation
of the multi-cultural education and suggest the direction and solid foundation of the
multi-cultural education for preschool children, by investigating the differences of
the multi-cultural education environments and real activities of the present
preschools, according to the careers, academic attainments, whether to complete a
course of the multi-cultural education or not and experience of the multi-cultural
children nurture.
As a way of my research, I distributed question sheets. I inquired into the
backgrounds and concept of the multi-cultural education beginning. And I looked into
the purpose, contents and approaches of the multi-cultural education.
Finally, I studied the importance of multi-culture nurture of infancy, and the
teacher's desirable attitude. I inquired into how the multi-cultural education is
practiced in nurseries.
For the subjects, I questioned the 229 teachers in 30 nurseries in Bu-cheon,
because Bu-cheon seems to have more multi-culture families than any other city in
Kyungki-do. This data was analyzed by the computer utility SPSS 12.0.
The following is the result of this research.
For the level of the teacher's understandings of multi-cultural education, I found
that 52.6% answered they understand not below the average, and for the question about the necessity of multi-cultural education, I found that 92.1% said they need.
That means the most of the teachers think multi-cultural education is necessary.
38.5% of the teachers questioned said, the reason why the multi-cultural education is
necessary is that the education lets us know the facts that we are all equal
regardless of ethnic group, sex and social status.
Moreover, most teachers seem to have desirable attitudes and thoughts to
multi-cultural education.
They said that through the multi-cultural education, they could diminish the
preschool children's prejudice and stereotype and thus we need to emphasize the
cooperative spirit and the sense of community to the preschool children.
However, it didn't seem that the preschool teachers show difference remarkably in
their thoughts and attitudes based on the careers, academic attainments, whether to
complete a course of the multi-cultural education or not and experience of the
multi-cultural children nurture.
50.7% answered they had not experience in multi-cultural education. So they didn't
have enough classrooms to practice multi-cultural education for preschool children.
Among the real activities of multi-cultural education, talking about the Living
Together with different Countries, Races, and Peoples is done most frequently. And
according to the factors of the background, the level of the understanding about the
importance of the multi-cultural education is shown clearly.
The level of usefulness of reference materials about the multi-cultural education
is shown much higher than expected. The teachers questioned answered that the most
serious problem of the multi-cultural education is the lack of teacher training and
workshop for the multi-cultural education and the lack of the materials of
multi-cultural education. Thus we have to immediately make every endeavor to develop
our own multi-cultural education materials as one of the activation programs for
multi-cultural education.
According to the above consideration, I can come to a conclusion that even though
teachers have desirable attitudes and thoughts about multi-cultural education, they
don't have enough materials about it to practice multi-cultural education in real
fields, and that the teachers can't make up of the environments for the
multi-cultural education because they can rarely have the chance to obtain the
knowledge about the multi-cultural education. So it is important to make our every
effort to give them more chances to receive training for the multi-cultural education and we immediately have to develop our multi-cultural education materials appropriate
for our own country.

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