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幼兒敎育機關에서의 初期 社會化 過程에 관한 敎育社會學的 硏究

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16페이지/ 어도비 PDF
가격 4,500원 할인쿠폰받기

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발행기관 : 한국교육학회 수록지정보 : 교육학연구 / 24권 / 2호
저자명 : 崔起英


Ⅰ. 序論
Ⅱ. 硏究方法 및 節次
Ⅲ. 硏究結果 및 論議
Ⅳ. 結論

영어 초록

Are the children acquiring the objectives emphasized as the aims of childhood education through the process of education in preschool? In this study it has been investigated how the problems of socialization process of schooling arised in our preschool with the perspectives of sociology of education.
It has already been criticized that, the socialization of schooling did not perform the normative functions which were asserted by consensus theorists but also gave rise to the mal educational problems. In Korea, however, the main concerns about childhood education were the expansion of institutions and the establishment of formal systems. Although practical problems in childhood education were recognized, such problems were not analyzed seriously.
The purposes of this study were first, to investigate the adult consciousness of socialization in preschool, second, to grasp the real process of socialization in preschool, and third, to examine the ideology of socialization hidden in process of education.
This study has been done, first, by surveying the consciousness of socialization in preschool with 463 parents and 158 teachers, were the collected data were analyzed by the t-test with SPSS computer program, and second, by the participant observation conducted during the first month after the entrance, where the observation diaries and recording tapes were analyzed in connection with the study problems.
The results of the survey were as follows:
1) Parents and teachers were deficient in the consistency between ideal and practical perspectives on the socialization.
2) There were remarkable differences between consciousness of parents and that of teachers. Parents emphasized the acquisition of adaptable attitude toward collective living. On the other hand, teachers emphasized the acquisition of autonomous attitude of individual children.
The findings through participant observation were as follows:
1) The process of early socialization in preschool was a disciplining process for indoctrinating the existing norms and routines to the children. The process was handled for the convenience of managing the classroom rather than for the children's activities.
2) Ecological environments were managed for controlling the children's behaviors. It enforced the uniform control of classroom rather than learning the children's normative behaviors.
3) Five characterestics of socialization process and five methods enforcing such characteristics were also abstracted. These characteristics and reinforcement methods were used for adapting children to collective living and conforming to the teacher's direction and existing norms.
4) The process of socialization in preschool were influenced by social factors. It was related with the needs of family and the expectancy of society.
Baded on the results, the following conclusions can be drawn. The process of early socialization in preschool was that of constraints socialization to raise the heteronomous being rather than the autonomous. That, is under the case of effective guiding of collective children and successful adaption to
collective living, there was the inhered ideology of adults which made children uncritically conform to existing social systems.
Such a process of socialization was related with the educational characteristics of the whole preschool. Furthermore the needs of parents, the interest group of preschool, were reflected in it.
Are there any alternatives to tide over the educational difficulties for reducing the unhealthy influences of the constraints socialization doing harms to the childhood education?
Following considerations should be given to :
1) The fundamental concerns have to be taken in the practical educational problems in schooling process.
2) The actual problems originated from the schooling process and the guiding principles have to be reflected in the teacher's education training.
3) The uniqueness of children have to be considered in establishing the formal system and planning the education of preschool.
4) The educational factors connected with preschool have to be checked whether these are functioned educationally or not.
Some innovating devices should be discussed for the children to acquire their own self-disciplines and to have pleasant experiences through socialization in preschool. The efforts need to work out for the reduction of the fixed number of classroom, improvement of the classroom management, development of the education programs, recognition of teacher's function, and planning the gradual steps for adaptation of collective living. And also the recognition of social beings about the socialization of preschool should be renewed. Because the autonomous socialization process of preschool has to be creative construction process through the children's self-consciousness.

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幼兒敎育機關에서의 初期 社會化 過程에 관한 敎育社會學的 硏究
  • 유니스터디 이벤트
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