• 통큰쿠폰이벤트-통합

춘추시대 오와 월의 도성과 원림문화경관 春秋시대 吳와 越의 都城과 園林文化景觀

최초 등록일
최종 저작일
28페이지/ 어도비 PDF
가격 5,700원 할인쿠폰받기

* 본 문서는 배포용으로 복사 및 편집이 불가합니다.


발행기관 : 한국중국문화학회 수록지정보 : 중국학논총
저자명 : 리행렬 李幸烈


1. 머리말
2. 춘추시기의 오나라와 월나라 문화
3. 오나라와 월나라의 都城문화경관
4. 오나라와 월나라의 園林문화경관
5. 결론

한국어 초록

This study was aimed to compare the cultural difference between Wu(吳) and
Yue(越) and the results are followings :
1. The Chinese Warring States period(春秋戰國時代) is known to be a starting
time of Wu and Yue's developing era. Also they were made of the mixture of
advanced culutre of central area such as Zhou(周) with vernacular cultrue such
as Bronze culture and Agricultural culture around Taihu(太湖)
2. Wu was shown to be a multi cultural nation which was based on the
central and regional culture, but Yue showed a single cultural nation which was
based on YuYue(于越) tribe.
3. Yue's literal image was known to be strong, unyielding will, clear patriot'
positive mind, but Wu was known to have dynamic mind such as hunting,
amusement and sports.
4. In the case of constructing cities, Yu and Yue two countries agreed with
the notions of 'making a rich country' and 'accordance of heaven and people'
which was drived by Guan zhong(管仲) and current philosophy.
5. Yu used various methods such as rectangle and triangle shapes of castles
and using the water canal based on their flat conditions. Also they adapted their
political, recreational and athletic needs to making gardens. Instead Yue pursited
to make simple shapes of castles and use the complex arrangemens of
architectural buildings with Nine Mountains(九山) based on their mountains and
wetland conditions.
6. In the point of gardens, Yu had lurious gardens around royal palaces such
as Gusutai(姑蘇臺). Yue had practical and functional gardens such as

영어 초록

This study was aimed to compare the cultural difference between Wu(吳) andYue(越) and the results are followings :1. The Chinese Warring States period(春秋戰國時代) is known to be a startingtime of Wu and Yue's developing era. Also they were made of the mixture ofadvanced culutre of central area such as Zhou(周) with vernacular cultrue suchas Bronze culture and Agricultural culture around Taihu(太湖)2. Wu was shown to be a multi cultural nation which was based on thecentral and regional culture, but Yue showed a single cultural nation which wasbased on YuYue(于越) tribe.3. Yue's literal image was known to be strong, unyielding will, clear patriot'positive mind, but Wu was known to have dynamic mind such as hunting,amusement and sports.4. In the case of constructing cities, Yu and Yue two countries agreed withthe notions of 'making a rich country' and 'accordance of heaven and people'which was drived by Guan zhong(管仲) and current philosophy.5. Yu used various methods such as rectangle and triangle shapes of castlesand using the water canal based on their flat conditions. Also they adapted theirpolitical, recreational and athletic needs to making gardens. Instead Yue pursitedto make simple shapes of castles and use the complex arrangemens ofarchitectural buildings with Nine Mountains(九山) based on their mountains andwetland conditions.6. In the point of gardens, Yu had lurious gardens around royal palaces suchas Gusutai(姑蘇臺). Yue had practical and functional gardens such asZhaoxianguan(招賢館).

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춘추시대 오와 월의 도성과 원림문화경관 春秋시대 吳와 越의 都城과 園林文化景觀
  • 유니스터디 이벤트
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